Top 10k strings from ZX Spectrum+ User Guide Companion Cassette (1984)(Sinclair Research)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   8 22224444,,,,,
   2 X,X?XRXeXxX
   2 +"    Graphics":
   1 your Spectrum.           
   1 xpld=65280
   1 this key a lot!          
   1 the number keys can be
   1 the following char-
   1 s$="!@#$%&'()_
   1 rong=rong+1
   1 rite=rite+1
   1 rite+rong=o
   1 o;"SYMBOL SHIFT not"'"needed for this key."
   1 o;"Press this flashing             symbol or keyword               now.";
   1 o,o;"The UDG we have                 defined for part of             this illustration               of a key appears in             the small square.                                               Press this key to               see another.                             ";
   1 o,o;"The INV VIDEO key               is used to insert a             control code into               a line of text which            will 
   1 o,o;"Letter keys produce             lower case letters              unless CAPS SHIFT               or CAPS LOCK is used.";
   1 o,o;"CAPS LOCK is used               when you wish to                use many CAPITALS               at once. Press                  the key once to                 lock, and again                 to get lower case               letters.";
   1 o,o;"             
   1 normal ( ) or inverted
   1 make the computer        
   1 m$=m$+" To get the best service from    this complex tool, it is worth  spending a little time getting  acquainted with the many func-  tions and facilities available."
   1 m$="lower case with this cursorL":
   1 m$="UPPER CASE MODE":
   1 m$="Oops! That wasn't the right key!":
   1 m$="Oops! Not your very best effort!":
   1 m$="Must press INV VIDEO to continue":
   1 m$="Must press CAPS LOCK to continue":
   1 m$="Must key TRUE VIDEO to continue!":
   1 m$="Musn't go while in Graphics mode":
   1 m$="LOWER CASE MODE":
   1 m$="High  Resolution"+
   1 m$="Have you forgotten SYMBOL SHIFT?":
   1 m$="HELLO":
   1 m$=" Your new ZX Spectrum+ computer  will open up a whole new world. It can entertain, educate, and  help run your home or business."
   1 m$=" Video Controls":
   1 m$=" This program has been designed  to help you become familiar     with the keyboard by using it.  We will need your help from     time to time but don't worry,   nothing can go wrogn.  ?"+
   1 m$=" Press GRAPH Control key first! ":
   1 m$=" Oops! Not right, so start again":
   1 m$=" Ooops! Not quite the right key!":
   1 m$=" Must press GRAPH to continue!  ":
   1 m$=" Must key CAPS SHIFT to continue":
   1 m$=" Just the SYMBOL SHIFT, please! ":
   1 m$=" Graphics Mode":
   1 m$=" GRAPHICS MODE":
   1 m$=" Forgotten CAPS LOCK or SHIFT?  ":
   1 m$=" Extended Mode":
   1 m$=" EXTENDED MODE":
   1 m$=" Block Graphics":
   1 m$="  User Defined"+
   1 m$="  That wasn't the DELETE key!   ":
   1 m$="  SYMBOL SHIFT":
   1 m$="  Must press ENTER to continue! ":
   1 m$="  Letter Mode":
   1 m$="  Keyword Mode":
   1 m$="  KEYWORD MODE":
   1 m$="  Forgotten about CAPS SHIFT?   ":
   1 m$="   That wasn't the EDIT key!    ":
   1 m$="    Extended Mode cancelled     ":
   1 m$="     Making"+
   1 li,co;k$(z,
   1 l;" CAPS LOCK ON "
   1 l;"  Press a key to turn the page  "
   1 l;"      "
   1 keycode   
   1 it to put any            
   1 inverted characters
   1 invert all the 
   1 invert a block graphic
   1 information into         
   1 hello     
   1 following characters.
   1 f$+".",f$+",",f$+";",f$+""""
   1 cursor, showing that you are in graphics mode."
   1 chart=64350
   1 carry out a command.     
   1 blok=64000
   1 bias=63952
   1 a+"""            ":
   1 ^-+=:`?/*,.;"p
   1 ^-+=:`?/*,.;"""
   1 You need to press        
   1 XxXeXRX?X,X
   1 The block graphics on 
   1 The EXTEND MODE key
   1 TRUE VIDEO makes   
   1 Press this lower                keyword or symbol               now.                            Don't forget to use             SYMBOL SHIFT.                                                                                         ";
   1 Press this graphic( ).
   1 Press any key to continue
   1 Press INV VIDEO to   
   1 For example              
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 A         
   1 ;"Wherever you are in the program,you can always get back to the  MENU page by pressing the BREAK key.";
   1 ;"The cursor will usually appear  in the bottom two screen lines  as seen here.":
   1 ;"SOFTWARE"'''"      Program and Graphics"''"        by Iolo Davidson"'''"      Text by Neil Ardley"''''"   
   1 ;"(lower case)."
   1 ;"(CAPITAL). "
   1 ;"  You are back in Graphics Mode "
   1 ;"  Press a key to turn the page  "
   1 ;"  Must press EXTEND MODE first! ";
   1 ;"  LOADING - PLEASE WAIT (5 min) "
   1 ;"   No longer in Extended Mode   ":
   1 ;"    You are in Graphics Mode    "
   1 ;"    Press ENTER to continue":
   1 ;"     TO CONTINUE PRESS GRAPH    ":
   1 ;"        Press GRAPH key"
   1 ;"          Press a key"
   1 9292_2L292
   1 26EIE\E6EIE\EC
   1 150 to restart"'"Do not use RUN":
   1 ."''"The computer is now expecting a keyword which is an instruction it can understand. Turn the pageto practise finding keywords."
   1 . This is    especially useful for           highlighting words that appear  on the screen."
   1 .    Releasing the CAPS SHIFT or     pressing CAPS LOCK again will   return you to lower case."
   1 ,o;"You will find the different     items on the MENU easier to     understand if you start at the  top and work down, but you can  return to any item as often as  you like later."
   1 ,o;"Press"""+
   1 ,o;"Press this cursor"'"control key now!"
   1 ,l;" CAPS LOCK OFF"
   1 ,co;k$(z,8
   1 +"ng!  Just"+
   1 +" follow the directions and in    no time at all, you will have   mastered the ZX Spectrum+."
   1 +"   Corrections":
   1 (rite/(rite+rong)*1000
   1 ( ). Use CAPS SHIFT to
   1 'normal'.                It is used to turn              off INV VIDEO.                  Press TRUE VIDEO                to continue.";
   1 ''''"Remember that only the parts of the graphic shown in white will be printed on the screen. To getthe black part use CAPS SHIFT   with the key.":
   1 ''''"In addition to the character    sized graphics you get by using the GRAPH key, you can also drawon the screen with the PLOT,    DRAW, and CIRCLE commands."
   1 ''''"If you look closely at the next demonstration, you will see thatwe have used UDGs to build up   parts of the large key picture  and the keyboard."
   1 '''"The cursor controls are the keyswith the arrows. The 
   1 '''"The VIDEO keys allow you to put control codes directly into textor a program listing to give    
   1 '''"Press a key to go to the MENU":
   1 '''"In graphics mode, you can key inshapes and pictures instead of  letters and numbers."
   1 '''"If you are not familiar with theSpectrum+ keyboard, then choose the top option when you get to  the MENU page. It will tell you the first things you need to    know when you start computing.  Then you can choose the other   options to develop your skills."
   1 ''"You now get the block graphics  characters on keys 1 to 8. On   keys A to U, you can have your  own shapes, known as User       Defined Graphics (UDGs)."
   1 ''"When you have an 
   1 ''"Turn the page to find out which keywords or signs you get with  SYMBOL SHIFT."
   1 ''"To enter graphics mode simply   press the GRAPH key. The        computer then displays the 
   1 ''"To enter extended mode, you mustpress the EXTEND MODE key. The  cursor then changes to 
   1 ''"These commands are called       KEYWORDS, and they are the wordsyou can see on the Spectrum's   keys - words such as LOAD, RUN  and INK.  All you need to do to get them is to press just one ortwo keys."'''"Do not try to spell out the     keywords letter by letter. The  computer will not recognise     'handmade' keywords."
   1 ''"The Spectrum automatically      enters keyword mode when you    turn it on. You'll know this    because the cursor changes to 
   1 ''"Some punctuation marks have     their own keys and don't need   SYMBOL  SHIFT."
   1 ''"Keywords, symbols and punctua-  tion usually appear in pairs on the raised section of the key orabove the key."'''"To select the lower (or right   hand) of any pair you use SYMBOLSHIFT."
   1 ''"In this mode you can access the keywords ON the raised section  of the keytop.":
   1 ''"In this mode you can access the keywords ABOVE the raised       section of the keytop.":
   1 ''"In extended mode, you get the   keywords ABOVE the raised       section of the keytop. The lowerof these two keywords needs     SYMBOL SHIFT as well."
   1 ''"Extended mode keywords include  INK, PAPER and BEEP."
   1 ''"All that will happen is that thecomputer will not do what you   expected it to do."
   1 '"You can create your own graphic shapes by using the UDG         generator on side B of this     cassette."
   1 '"To get your Spectrum to obey    you, you have to issue the rightcommands. Then, like the Genie  in the lamp, it will do your    every bidding."
   1 '"To get capital letters you must either press the CAPS SHIFT or  CAPS LOCK key. The CAPS LOCK keywill change the cursor to 
   1 '"The various options on the MENU page will provide you with more information on these modes."''"However, there's one special keyyou must get to know right away."
   1 '"Similar codes to change 
   1 '"On the next page there is a     continuous running demonstrationof a few of the effects you willbe able to get with more        experience of your Spectrum."''"To stop and get back to the MENUjust press BREAK at anytime."
   1 '"Many programs, especially games use the cursor control keys for their own purposes as well."
   1 '"Displays of the cursors as they would be seen when in use are   contained in the next few pages.":
   1 '"CORRECT= ";rite'"ERRORS = ";rong
   1 '"  -REMEMBER-"'"You can't hurt  the computer by pressing any    'wrong' keys.":
   1 '"          PRESS A KEY"''"
   1 '"         
   1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1 #o;" BREAK returns you to this MENU"
   1 #o;"  Press a key to turn the page  "
   1 #o;"  Press BREAK to return to MENU"
   1 #o;"       You got it RIGHT!":
   1 #l;"Press the DELETE key to continue":
   1 #l;"Press CAPS LOCK to turn the page"
   1 #l;" You are still in Graphics Mode "
   1 #l;" Press EXTEND MODE to turn page "
   1 #l;" Press CAPS SHIFT to turn page  "
   1 #l;"  You are now in Extended Mode  "
   1 #l;"   You have left Graphics Mode  "
   1 #l;"   Press EDIT to turn the page":
   1 #l;"    TO CONTINUE PRESS GRAPH     "
   1 "when you want to         
   1 "You will be using        
   1 "YOU GOT ";cent;"%"'"ON THAT SECTION."
   1 "Press the GRAPH key             once to get into                graphics mode, and              again to get back to            normal characters.              Graphics mode stays             on until turned off.            "
   1 "One of the SYMBOL               SHIFT keys must be              held down while the             key with the sign or            keyword that you want           is pressed. Press a             SYMBOL SHIFT key now.";
   1 "Each letter or number key can   give you up to four different   keywords, signs or graphics     characters, as well as a number or a letter, large or small. To help you know which one you willget, the computer displays a    flashing letter called the      cursor. There are five cursors:"
   1 "''"and they show that the computer is in one of the five modes.":
   1 "''"You get the flashing"'"keyword when you"'"press this letter"'"key in 
   1 "  SIN    ASN   PLOT    <= Q","  COS    ACS   DRAW    <> W","  TAN    ATN   REM     >= E","  INT   VERIFY RUN      < R","  RND   MERGE  RAND     > T","  STR$   [    RETURN AND  Y","  CHR$   ]      IF    OR  U","  CODE    IN  INPUT   AT  I","  PEEK   OUT   POKE       O","  TAB     
   1 "  READ    ~    NEW   STOP A"," RESTR  |      SAVE  NOT  S","  DATA   \     DIM   STEP D","  SGN    {     FOR   TO   F","  ABS    }     GOTO  THEN G","  SQR   CIRCLEGOSUB     ^ H","  VAL    VAL$  LOAD     - J","  LEN   SCRN$  LIST     + K","  USR    ATTR  LET      = L"
   1 "  DON'T PANIC!  "''"  The key that  you pressed is  not on the MENU.  To QUIT this  program entirelypress ""Q"" now.    Any other key will bring back the MENU.":
   1 "  BLUE  DEF FN 
   1 "   LN    BEEP  COPY     : Z","  EXP    INK  CLEAR     ` X"," LPRNT  PAPER  CONT     ? C"," LLIST  FLASH  CLS      / V","  BIN   BRIGHTBORDER    * B"," INKY$  OVER   NEXT       N","   PI   INVERSPAUSE       M"
   1 "     MENU":
   1 "                    GRAPH  ","               CAPS  LOCK  ","               TRUE VIDEO  ","               INV  VIDEO  ","              SYMBOLSHIFT  "
   1 !@#$%&'()_
   1  you define yourself.         
   1  when you wish to add 
   1  used to get  
   1  to the left of the 
   1  to or otherwise alter
   1  the MENU.          
   1  that you want to   
   1  ters.        
   1  ter or keyword just
   1  suggests, these are graphics 
   1  remove from a line.
   1  program running,   
   1  pictures.                    
   1  mode."''"Find this keyword now!"
   1  keyword.It cancels 
   1  keysare used to move the edit cursoraround within a line after      pressing EDIT."
   1  key will stop a    
   1  itself after use.  
   1  it takes you to    
   1  is the cursor you see when in lower case letter mode."''"In this mode you can access the letters on the raised section ofthe keytop in lower case.":
   1  is the cursor you see when in keyword mode.":
   1  is the cursor you see when in graphics mode."''"In this mode you can access the block graphics characters on    keys 1 to 8.":
   1  is the cursor you see when in extended mode.":
   1  is the cursor you see when in UPPER CASE letter mode."''"In this mode you can access the letters on the raised section ofthe keytop in UPPER CASE.":
   1  intricate shapes than block  
   1  has to be pressed  
   1  graphics. As the name        
   1  extended mode      
   1  erases characters  
   1  edit cursor.       "
   1  cursor the   computer keyboard behaves just  like a typewriter, and you get  lower case letters and numbers  when you press the keys."
   1  colours can be produced by  using keys 0 to 7 in extended   mode. Keys 8 and 9 in this mode produce control codes which     
   1  characters or make them   
   1  but in this program
   1  build chunky patterns and    
   1  before each        
   1  a line in a program. 
   1  With block graphics, you can 
   1  With User Defined Graphics   
   1  V  for Video Controls";
   1  Usually the BREAK  
   1  The EDIT key is used 
   1  The DELETE key     
   1  S  for Symbol Shift";
   1  Must press GRAPH to continue!  A
   1  M  for Making Corrections";
   1  L  for Letter Mode";
   1  K  for Keyword Mode";
   1  It acts on the let-
   1  H  for High Resolution Graphics"
   1  G  for Graphics Mode";
   1  F  First Things First";
   1  E  for Extended Mode";
   1  CAPS SHIFT is
   1  CAPITAL let- 
   1  1984 Dorling Kindersley"'"        Software Limited"
   1  (UDGs) you can make more     
   1   VIDEO KEYS  
   1   LETTER MODE  
   1   EXTEND  
   1   DELETE  
   1   BREAK   
   1   BLUE  DEF FN 
   1   @       2"," MGNTA   LINE  
   1   @       2 MGNTA   LINE  
   1   (       8","         CAT      )       9"," BLACK  FORMAT    _       0"
   1   (       8         CAT      )       9 BLACK  FORMAT    _       0  SIN    ASN   PLOT    <= Q  COS    ACS   DRAW    <> W  TAN    ATN   REM     >= E  INT   VERIFY RUN      < R  RND   MERGE  RAND     > T  STR$   [    RETURN AND  Y  CHR$   ]      IF    OR  U  CODE    IN  INPUT   AT  I  PEEK   OUT   POKE       O  TAB     
   1   '       7","        POINT  
   1   '       7        POINT  
   1   &       6"," WHITE  ERASE  
   1   &       6 WHITE  ERASE  
   1   %       5"," YELLW   MOVE  
   1   %       5 YELLW   MOVE  
   1   $       4","  CYAN  CLOSE# 
   1   $       4  CYAN  CLOSE# 
   1   #       3"," GREEN  OPEN#  
   1   #       3 GREEN  OPEN#  
   1   !       1","  RED    FN    
   1   !       1  RED    FN    
   1    PRINT       P"
   1    PRINT       P  READ    ~    NEW   STOP A RESTR  |      SAVE  NOT  S  DATA   \     DIM   STEP D  SGN    {     FOR   TO   F  ABS    }     GOTO  THEN G  SQR   CIRCLEGOSUB     ^ H  VAL    VAL$  LOAD     - J  LEN   SCRN$  LIST     + K  USR    ATTR  LET      = L   LN    BEEP  COPY     : Z  EXP    INK  CLEAR     ` X LPRNT  PAPER  CONT     ? C LLIST  FLASH  CLS      / V  BIN   BRIGHTBORDER    * B INKY$  OVER   NEXT       N   PI   INVERSPAUSE       M                          .                          ,                          ;                          "                    GRAPH                 CAPS  LOCK                 TRUE VIDEO                 INV  VIDEO                SYMBOLSHIFT                            
   1    MODE   
   1    ENTER    
   1    CAPS SHIFT   
   1     keys can be used to move the    program cursor from line to linein the listing. The 
   1                     "
   1                       "
   1                                 Press this keyword              now.                                                                                                                                     ";
   1                                 "